War Boy: A Country Childhood

Michael Foreman was born in March of 1938, so he was only three years old on April 21, 1941, the night an incendiary bomb dropped through the roof of his bedroom. Part of his description of that night sounds just like the memory a three-year-old would retain. “The sky bounced as my mother ran.” Foreman…

Reflection: Strip Off the Old Self

It’s clear from this language, and my own experience, that my old self isn’t going to come off as easily as that itchy dress I was supposed to wear. I have to formally disown it and divest it of all authority. The t.v. show was called “Branded” because the soldier had been convicted of cowardice….

Reflection: Pitch a Tent in Hope

“My meditation on Acts 22:26 is something like, My flesh shall pitch a tent in confident expectation. This is not a confident expectation that God will arrange things in my life for my comfort and convenience. This is an expectation that God, who cannot lie, will do what he has promised.”