Ask the Librarian about Book Acquisition and Selection: what is a sample post for social media to encourage people to donate books to my library?

From Amy Harbach, prospective future librarian:

“Most of my friends know I collect books. If not, now you do! šŸ˜

But I don’t collect just any books. I collect books that would be useful for Charlotte Mason homeschoolers (and many other homeschoolers.) They cover history, science, nature study, biographies, geography, and more. Most are written in the 1950s to 1960s, but I have a few from as far back as the 1800s and many more from today.

The main theme is that they are “living books.” What does that mean? Simply that they are the kind of book you just can’t put down. Facts are the bones, and the ideas and stories around them are the flesh that make them come alive.

I go to endless library and book sales to rescue these books. I’ve been known to dig through garbages and dumpsters to rescue them. I’ve been invited to pillage wonderful collections that are being let go. I bring the books home, clean them up, repair what I can, and save them. For what?

I hope to one day open a Lending Library for homeschoolers. Not to replace our library, but just to offer the books we love that the libraries are discarding for whatever reason. Also to allow longer check out terms so homeschool moms could potentially hold on to a book for a whole term instead of two weeks.

Are you still reading? Here is where you come in. Do you have any of these kinds of books on your shelves collecting dust? Is your grandma purging old books before moving to a condo? Did you just come across a garage sale with a ton of interesting looking vintage children’s books? Is your child’s beloved school library discarding the old books that no one checks out anymore? CALL ME!

I am very happy to look over any collection and do all the grunt work to get them out. I’ll sort thru whatever you have and pass on what I don’t need to favorite book charities who will make sure each book finds a loving home! I’m even willing to pay for books if the price is right. šŸ˜‰

Please reach out! I would love to help!

Here is a pic of some of the kinds of the books I’m looking for:

Ask the Librarian about Book Acquisition and Selection: Social Media Image 1
Social Media example post

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