Heckedy Peg: A New Fairy Tale

Published in 1987, Heckedy Peg by Audrey Wood and illustrated by Don Wood is a gorgeous new book with an old-fashioned fairy tale feel. The illustration is vibrant, full of movement, and texture, and the story is completely charming. This story of a mother and her children is a perfect bedtime story. 

Heckedy Peg Cover

“Down the dusty roads and far away, a poor mother once lived with her seven children Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Every day before the mother went to market, her children helped with all the chores.”

Because they are such good children and work so hard to help their mother, she promises to buy each one something at the market. The children are delighted and each makes one request. When Mother leaves, she trusts them to open the door to no strangers and not to touch the fire.

Heckedy Peg Helpers

When an old witch hobbles up to the cottage, she tricks the children into letting her in and into bringing her sticks of fire to light her pipe. And when they do, she magically turns each child into food. She bundles the food up and hurries home to feast on the children. 

Heckedy Peg Cover

But, Mother is wise and quick thinking. When she returns to an empty cottage she goes in search of her children and a little bird helps her to find the witch’s hut. Mother cleverly outwits the witch and her children are restored to her. 

Heckedy Peg Mother

This story has a magical feel and it is a joy to read aloud. I think I will be using this book in our Beauty Boxes when we begin to assemble them. 

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