Introducing our Newsletter: The Book Review Roundup

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Friends, we are so very glad that you are here!

Last month we had some major challenges with our website. Among them, WordPress eliminated our ability to email you when we have new book reviews posted. Additionally, our entire subscriber database was deleted. Right now, the only way that anyone will know that we have a new review is if they stumble upon it or happen to see a post about it on social media. There are fixes that we could try, but we felt like this might be an invitation to try something new altogether.

Since 2003, Sherry Early of Meriadoc Homeschool Library has been writing thoughtful book reviews on her blog, Sherry’s two decades of blogging has made a treasure trove of book reviews perfect for librarians and families alike! 

Here at Plumfield, we got a little bit of a later start… 😂 we have also been aggressively reviewing nearly everything that we have been reading since 2016. Despite our later start, is also packed with careful reviews of books new and old. 

In the last year, the two blogs have been combining forces to read and review books for the 1924 and 1964 projects, Picture Book Preschool, Landmark Books, and other large bookish projects that are best tackled with friends. 

Many readers and librarians have asked how they can stay connected with all of the newest reviews from both places. We decided that it made sense to launch a twice-monthly newsletter with teasers and links to all of the newest reviews. Instead of getting an email or seeing a social media post every time there is a new review, by subscribing to this newsletter, you can get a digest or roundup on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month. We would love to have you subscribe to this newsletter if these reviews might be helpful or interesting to you!

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