Planting Stories: Pura Teresa Belpré

“These stories came with me to the United States. I thought of myself as a storyteller. I wished to be like Johnny Appleseed, who in the United States was known for planting apple seeds across the land… And so I wished to plant my story seeds across the land.”

Planting Stories Cover

Planting Stories is a beautiful picture book biography that introduces young readers to the inspiring life of Pura Teresa Belpré, the first Puerto Rican librarian in New York City. Born in Cidra, Puerto Rico, in 1899, Pura grew up in a family of storytellers, and the cherished folktales from her homeland became the seeds she would later plant across the United States.

Planting Stories Interior

Anika Aldamuy Denise’s lyrical bilingual prose, combined with Paola Escobar’s rich and colorful illustrations, bring Pura’s journey to life—from her arrival in New York as a factory worker to her groundbreaking role as a bilingual librarian. Through her work in the New York Public Library, Pura introduced Puerto Rican folklore to new audiences, weaving Spanish and English together in her storytelling, much like her own speech patterns during her captivating story hours. 

In addition to telling traditional tales, Pura used handmade puppets that she dressed in authentic Puerto Rican clothing, creating an immersive and engaging experience for her listeners. 

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Pura’s journey extends beyond the library when she meets her musician husband and travels the country, continuing her mission to spread her beloved tales. The story beautifully portrays Pura’s passion for sharing her literary culture with children, likening her mission to that of Johnny Appleseed as she planted “story seeds” throughout this land.

Planting Stories Interior

This enchanting biography is perfect for introducing young readers to the importance of storytelling, immigrant life, and exposure to Puerto Rican culture. Planting Stories is a must-read for anyone who values libraries and the magic of storytelling. And it is a lovely addition to our book lists about librarians and books.

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