Sherry’s Landmark Book Reviews

Did you know that we have a page dedicated to all things Landmark Books? Take a look here.

Our dear friend, Sherry Early of Meriadoc Homeschool Library, has been faithfully reading and reviewing her way through the Landmark books. We know that so many of our readers are curious about the Landmark books and we love Sherry’s take on them. Sherry has agreed to let us cross-post all of her reviews here to make it easier for you to find them. As she reads more, we will update this page. Sherry is one of our treasured Library Lady friends and you can learn about her library here.

William Penn, Quaker Hero by Hildegarde Dolson 
Captain Cook Explores the South Seas by Armstrong Sperry
Peter Stuyvesant of Old New York by Anna and Russel Crouse
Balboa, Swordsman and Conquistador by Felix Riesenberg 
The Story of D-Day by Bruce Bliven, Jr. 
The Flight and Adventures of Charles II by Charles Norman 
Ferdinand Magellan, Master Mariner by Seymour Gates Pond 
Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo by Frances Winwar 
The Explorations of Pere Marquette by Jim Kjelgaard 
The Pirate Lafitte and the Battle of New Orleans by Robert Tallant 
Lawrence of Arabia by Alistair McLean 
Combat Nurses of World II by Wyatt Blassingame 
The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler by William Shirer 
Evangeline and the Acadians by Robert Tallant 
The Barbary Pirates by C.S. Forester 
The Mysterious Voyage of Captain Kidd by A.B.C. Whipple 
Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too by Stanley Young 
Julius Caesar by John Gunther 
Alexander the Great by John Gunther
The Hudson’s Bay Company by Richard Morenus 
The Voyages of Henry Hudson by Eugene Rachlis
The Exploits of Xenophon by Geoffrey Household 
The Mississippi Bubble by Thomas Costain 
Up the Trail from Texas by J. Frank Dobie 
The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne 
The World’s Greatest Showman by J. Bryan III 

William the Conqueror by Thomas Costain

Meet Sherry Early of Meriadoc Homeschool Library

Located in South East Houston, Texas
Podcast Interview with Sherry Early, Sandy Hall, and Mary Schubert
Podcast Interview about Sherry Early’s Picture Book Preschool
Sherry’s Tiny Cat (LibraryThing)
Sherry’s Facebook Page
Picture Book Preschool at Biblioguides
Sherry’s Book Review Blog 
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